The Recovery

There are some people reading this blog who think, “Your pathology came back clean! You’re cancer-free! It’s all done now!”

Ah, what a delightful thought – that somehow chemo was a true magic wand and the past six months were just a tiny blip in the 2018 year.

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The pathology report comes back

I finished chemo on July 26.

I had a bilateral double mastectomy exactly four weeks later on August 23. 

Two big ticket items off our increasingly shrinking cancer to-do list! 

I started writing a blog post that walked you through my day in surgery, and you’ll hear about that eventually. 

I decided to switch gears after receiving a call on Monday.

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Jennifer Hoverstad
How one experience will shape the next

Isn’t it interesting how life experiences, even at a very young age, can affect how you approach problems later in life? 

I’ve had a number of people ask me how Carl and I can stay so positive in our current situation. 

“I’m not sure how you’re doing it - I’d be a mess,” they say. 

“You seem like you’re doing so well with this - how?” they ask.

Let’s get one thing straight - cancer is a tough diagnosis to hear. It’s a long, grueling process toward healing. It’s not easy, and my feelings toward it aren’t the same from day to day.

But people’s comments have made me wonder where my perspective came from. 

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Halfway is the hardest

I’m HALFWAY through chemo!

That means I’ve had three (successful) rounds of TCHP.

But that also means my body is starting to experience the cumulative side effects of three successful rounds of TCHP.

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Jennifer Hoverstad
When you can't see what's around you

We went camping this weekend for the first time as a family. And by camping, I mean we rented the cutest little cabin in Cliffs of the Neuse State Park. We enjoyed a campfire dinner, made s'mores and took a little hike on the trails by the river. 

However, when the sun went down and bedtime showed up, the real trouble started. 

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Jennifer Hoverstad
A Hairy Situation

They say for most women, losing their hair is the hardest part of breast cancer treatment.

While I'm just starting to shed and haven't completely lost mine yet, I will say that the idea of it and the anxiety of thinking about it hasn't been easy. 

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